What will I do at Explore University?
You are probably reading this page because your primary school is taking part in the Explore University project. So what does this mean for you?
- Only two schools in your local area take part in this project, so it's an exciting opportunity to be a part of!
- The project has been set up by four universities: Harper Adams, Wolverhampton, Keele and Staffordshire.
- These four universities have planned a project that will involve you for two whole years, when you are in Y5 and Y6 of primary school. Don't worry though, I know that what may sound like a very long time, but really, we will only see you 4 times over these 2 years.
- The reason the project is running is because the four universities want to show young people like yourself WHAT a university is and what you can expect from going to university when you're older.
- It may be that you already know about university... or you could never have heard of this strange word! That's where we come in... to educate you about what's out there for you after school, before you decide what job you want when you grow up.
- Through various activities, we will give you an experience of university, showing you what you can study, what a campus is like, how you live as a student and what jobs you can get after graduating from university.
- So, remember I said we would be working with you only 4 days over the 2 years? View the timeline to get a really good idea of what you will be doing and when!
Let me tell you who I am and why I'm called HAWKS... It's simple really, I'm a bird of prey and my name is made up of the first letters of four different universities that are situated in the North West Midlands: Harper Adams, Wolverhampton, Keele and Staffordshire.